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Overall by Place
Information on age graded results
Overall Gender Age Finish Pace/ AG AG Gender Last Name First Name S/A Bib City State Place Place Place Time Mile Time Place AG % Rivera Hector M37 522 1 1 1 14:29.3 5:42 13:08.8 1 80.95% Carriglitto Mike M33 419 Highland Falls NY 2 2 1 17:53.8 5:57 17:46.3 2 76.15% De Oliveira Paulo M29 454 3 3 1 19:53.8 6:06 19:53.7 3 74.12% Cannon Robert M25 185 Haddonfield NJ 4 4 2 22:04.8 6:16 22:04.8 4 72.15% Deolvierira Luciano M29 427 5 5 3 22:12.3 6:17 22:12.3 5 72.04% Donahue Joe M42 504 Pt Pleasant NJ 6 6 1 22:18.2 6:17 17:45.5 6 76.16% Yekes Greg M27 435 Bristol PA 7 7 4 23:56.4 6:25 23:56.4 7 70.55% Mora Jamie M37 420 Trenton NJ 8 8 2 24:26.9 6:27 22:55.6 8 71.41% Montgomery Hjohn M42 401 9 9 2 24:30.0 6:28 19:50.1 9 74.18% Decker Brian M35 474 Brick NJ 10 10 3 25:28.0 6:32 24:49.5 10 69.81% Mc Ivor Ewan M32 406 Princeton NJ 11 11 2 26:15.0 6:36 26:13.9 11 68.68% Da Silva Farnese M39 449 12 12 4 27:30.8 6:41 24:40.1 12 69.93% Stem Adam M25 271 Easton PA 13 13 5 28:26.1 6:46 28:26.1 13 66.96% Lesniak Patrick M22 417 Toms River NJ 14 14 6 28:52.4 6:48 28:49.7 14 66.67% Milon James M27 301 Lodi NJ 15 15 7 29:01.1 6:48 29:01.1 15 66.52% Ulyanenko Sergey M25 542 16 16 8 29:41.9 6:51 29:41.9 16 66.02% Deoliveria Dianne F37 5 NJ 17 1 1 30:08.9 6:53 28:11.4 1 74.66% Enderly Erin F22 450 18 2 1 30:24.7 6:55 30:24.7 2 72.81% Altieri John M30 250 Hoboken NJ 19 17 3 30:37.9 6:56 30:37.9 17 65.34% Galioto Daniel M34 477 20 18 4 30:40.8 6:56 30:19.0 18 65.56% Morris Mick M42 415 Breille NJ 21 19 3 31:20.9 6:59 26:18.3 19 68.62% Farnsworth Rachel F23 355 Hoboken NJ 22 3 2 31:47.1 7:01 31:47.0 3 71.73% Acosta Allan M23 365 Brick NJ 23 20 9 31:49.9 7:01 31:49.9 20 64.48% Alburtus Ed M46 267 Neptune City NJ 24 21 1 32:10.8 7:03 24:18.4 21 70.24% Huesman Jennifer F39 125 Fairhaven NJ 25 4 2 32:19.3 7:03 29:11.4 4 73.82% Schbert Jim M41 446 26 22 4 33:27.0 7:09 29:00.0 22 66.54% Satz Michael M34 321 Hoboken NJ 27 23 5 34:05.5 7:11 33:42.8 23 63.18% Murphy Kelly F26 416 Bay Head NJ 28 5 3 34:36.4 7:14 34:36.4 5 69.59% Merk Erik M36 192 Point Pleasnt NJ 29 24 5 34:37.8 7:14 33:28.5 24 63.35% Maser Gary M30 313 Brick NJ 30 25 6 34:57.3 7:15 34:57.2 25 62.36% De Oliveira Cheste M39 445 31 26 6 35:11.1 7:16 32:05.4 26 64.30% 456 32 27 35:13.6 7:17 35:13.6 27 62.19% White Christopher M44 414 33 28 5 35:50.7 7:19 29:06.4 28 66.46% Freeman Maggie F39 7 Manalapan NJ 34 6 3 35:52.9 7:20 32:37.8 6 71.08% Krygowski Andy M41 397 Linden NJ 35 29 6 35:54.2 7:20 31:20.3 29 64.84% Mussissy Brian M35 551 36 30 7 36:58.6 7:25 36:14.9 30 61.53% Kaplan Jeff M54 404 Princeton NJ 37 31 1 37:05.8 7:25 22:56.3 31 71.39% Hancock Patrick M19 33 Toms River NJ 38 32 1 37:24.3 7:27 35:11.5 32 62.22% Goodale Duog M30 487 39 33 7 37:29.5 7:27 37:29.5 33 60.74% Behrens John M39 229 Howell NJ 40 34 8 38:23.8 7:31 35:11.9 34 62.20% Davis Eric M40 91 Edison NJ 41 35 7 38:33.2 7:32 34:36.0 35 62.59% Wnek John M50 316 Hopewell NJ 42 36 2 38:35.6 7:32 27:11.7 36 67.91% Niedziolua Mieszko M25 473 43 37 10 38:35.8 7:32 38:35.8 37 60.06% Barreh Tom M26 388 Basking Ridge NJ 44 38 11 38:49.9 7:33 38:49.8 38 59.92% Wrisht Michael M29 471 45 39 12 38:58.9 7:34 38:58.8 39 59.83% Savaeeol Robert M43 519 46 40 8 39:09.1 7:35 32:56.0 40 63.73% Petrosino Dom M44 447 47 41 9 39:21.4 7:36 32:22.3 41 64.11% Ytiebce David M35 422 Bayville NJ 48 42 9 39:31.0 7:36 38:46.2 42 59.96% Eberle Joe M42 530 49 43 10 39:57.1 7:38 34:26.0 43 62.72% Farrell Robert M30 423 50 44 8 40:01.1 7:39 40:01.0 44 59.21% Barrett Gabby F49 8 Freehold NJ 51 7 1 40:03.3 7:39 27:01.0 7 75.66% Kunkel Christopher M51 224 Oradell NJ 52 45 3 40:12.5 7:39 27:52.3 45 67.39% Sanchez Monica F35 402 53 8 4 40:28.3 7:41 39:14.7 8 66.34% Bartucz Chaz M44 384 Kenosha WI 54 46 11 40:54.0 7:43 33:48.4 46 63.13% Salt Robert M34 59 Toms River NJ 55 47 9 40:59.3 7:43 40:35.0 47 58.87% Rossi Stephen M17 488 Toms River NJ 56 48 2 41:01.6 7:43 36:06.4 48 61.62% Hirtes Sean M17 485 Toms River NJ 57 49 3 41:16.7 7:44 36:20.7 49 61.47% Egbert Dan M33 411 Matawan NJ 58 50 10 41:16.7 7:44 41:06.9 50 58.57% Martis Al M61 444 59 51 1 41:19.1 7:45 21:11.7 51 72.92% Coffey Bredan M27 425 60 52 13 41:40.5 7:46 41:40.5 52 58.24% Tracy Bob M44 246 Hollywood MD 61 53 12 41:48.5 7:47 34:39.0 53 62.57% Jacobson John M50 457 Pt Pleasant NJ 62 54 4 42:00.5 7:48 30:13.0 54 65.63% Wayton Meredith F31 343 Bordentown NJ 63 9 1 42:07.1 7:48 41:58.5 9 64.57% Fodor Tara F34 428 Cedar Run NJ 64 10 2 42:14.0 7:49 41:21.8 10 64.95% Gantner John M56 87 South Seaside Park NJ 65 55 1 42:18.2 7:49 25:51.1 55 68.98% Juzefyk Steven M47 478 Clark NJ 66 56 2 42:25.0 7:50 32:54.1 56 63.74% Nmoore Danielle F24 498 Mount Penn PA 67 11 4 42:55.9 7:52 42:55.9 11 63.96% Osborn Robert M43 130 Wantage NJ 68 57 13 42:57.4 7:52 36:30.1 57 61.37% Wysocki Thomas M30 63 Morristown NJ 69 58 11 42:57.6 7:52 42:57.5 58 57.52% Reifenheiser Paul M36 220 White Lake NY 70 59 10 43:43.3 7:56 42:27.3 59 57.80% Miller Carly F27 122 Haddonfeld NJ 71 12 5 43:48.8 7:56 43:48.7 12 63.42% Gelpke James M32 412 72 60 12 44:02.9 7:57 44:01.6 60 56.93% Clancy Colleen F26 6 Pine Beach NJ 73 13 6 44:15.0 7:58 44:15.0 13 63.15% Hauck Robin F27 124 New York NY 74 14 7 44:32.4 7:59 44:32.4 14 62.97% Frole George M51 429 75 61 5 44:45.2 8:00 31:51.4 61 64.47% Lumanlan Alvin M33 222 Norwalk CT 76 62 13 44:52.9 8:01 44:42.8 62 56.56% Ragle Jeff M53 155 Ocean NJ 77 63 6 44:55.4 8:01 30:25.4 63 65.49% Fulop Steven M31 436 78 64 14 44:57.1 8:01 44:57.1 64 56.42% McKenna Jennifer F22 201 Highland Park NJ 79 15 8 45:08.7 8:02 45:08.6 15 62.61% Garzon David M39 154 Oxford NJ 80 65 11 45:11.1 8:02 41:46.0 65 58.18% Ackerman Aaron M25 285 Easton PA 81 66 14 45:12.5 8:02 45:12.5 66 56.29% Correia Rui M40 517 82 67 14 45:42.0 8:05 41:27.6 67 58.36% Prozzo Danielle F20 334 Toms River NJ 83 16 9 46:00.3 8:06 45:56.4 16 62.14% Wenslauskas Eliz F40 480 84 17 1 46:05.0 8:06 41:44.0 17 64.71% Horsch Kyle M21 216 Roselle Park NJ 85 68 15 46:10.0 8:07 45:43.2 68 56.01% Blevis Dean M41 217 Roselle Park NJ 86 69 15 46:11.0 8:07 41:07.7 69 58.56% Coffey Lauren F24 424 Manasquan NJ 87 18 10 46:14.4 8:07 46:14.4 18 61.97% Puja Harriet F40 495 88 19 2 46:23.0 8:08 42:01.3 19 64.53% O'Hara Edward M38 458 89 70 12 46:24.6 8:08 43:44.9 70 57.08% Rodrigquez Francisco M57 493 Bayonne NJ 90 71 2 46:29.8 8:08 28:33.7 71 66.86% Aromando Willaim M41 421 Freehold NJ 91 72 16 46:30.9 8:08 41:26.6 72 58.38% Stern Bill M60 299 Lawrenceville NJ 92 73 2 46:43.1 8:09 26:20.1 73 68.59% Van Doren Marissa 188 Brick NJ 93 1 46:55.9 8:10 55.38% Forrester Steve M31 29 West Long Branch NJ 94 74 15 47:27.5 8:13 47:27.4 74 55.11% Scuorzo John M33 70 Montclair NJ 95 75 16 47:52.5 8:15 47:42.1 75 54.99% Dowling Ellen F36 350 Hoboken NJ 96 20 5 48:00.0 8:15 46:12.4 20 61.99% Lysak Michael M30 366 Brick NJ 97 76 17 48:02.2 8:15 48:02.1 76 54.81% Sheklian Mark M50 497 Manasqaun NJ 98 77 7 48:15.8 8:16 35:44.8 77 61.84% Ouida Jordan M36 97 New York NY 99 78 13 48:17.1 8:16 46:57.8 78 55.36% Corpuz Rod M42 297 Toms River NJ 100 79 17 48:20.0 8:17 42:21.2 79 57.86% Belfiore James M33 218 Matawan NJ 101 80 18 48:30.0 8:17 48:19.6 80 54.67% Clemente Maura F29 374 Montclair NJ 102 21 11 48:35.8 8:18 48:35.7 21 60.62% Flanagan James M49 431 Bloomfield NJ 103 81 3 48:39.1 8:18 36:55.0 81 61.10% O’boyle Patrick M55 225 Atlantic Highlands NJ 104 82 3 48:40.0 8:18 32:00.5 82 64.36% Smith Dawn F43 451 8731 105 22 3 48:43.7 8:18 41:31.1 22 64.84% Jupinka Leigh F30 105 Oms River NJ 106 23 3 48:44.5 8:19 48:42.5 23 60.56% Madigan Bryan M32 103 Toms River NJ 107 83 19 48:45.1 8:19 48:43.8 83 54.47% Reilly Sean M39 886 108 84 14 48:51.9 8:19 45:19.6 84 56.22% Lyons Christopher M34 66 Red Bank NJ 109 85 20 48:57.0 8:20 48:30.9 85 54.57% Perlberg Larry M55 157 Pine Beach NJ 110 86 4 48:59.1 8:20 32:16.6 86 64.17% Halford Leon M35 351 Stamford CT 111 87 15 49:10.2 8:21 48:21.0 87 54.66% Hujus Colleen F47 114 Bloomingburg NY 112 24 2 49:13.8 8:21 37:22.7 24 67.61% Sularczyk Krzysztof M26 398 Linden NJ 113 88 16 49:14.1 8:21 49:14.0 88 54.21% Hill Kevin M45 481 114 89 4 49:28.5 8:22 40:57.4 89 58.66% Schultz Matthew M32 22 West Caldwell NJ 115 90 21 49:35.5 8:22 49:34.1 90 54.05% Tafesse Laykea M37 533 116 91 16 49:40.8 8:23 47:42.3 91 54.98% Puja Nicholas M49 494 117 92 5 49:46.5 8:23 37:55.1 92 60.47% Wells Malia F34 335 Wall NJ 118 25 4 49:52.0 8:24 48:55.9 25 60.44% Gross Monika F51 113 Ny NY 119 26 1 49:52.9 8:24 33:10.1 26 70.67% Pettersen Diane F45 173 Howell NJ 120 27 3 49:58.3 8:24 40:26.2 27 65.55% Bevacqua Anthony M18 330 Toms River NJ 121 93 4 50:16.2 8:26 46:19.9 93 55.70% Seebohen Guy M36 496 122 94 17 50:21.4 8:26 49:00.6 94 54.32% Grady Patrick M38 483 Clark NJ 123 95 18 50:24.6 8:26 47:38.9 95 55.01% Hiree John M30 501 124 96 22 50:26.7 8:26 50:26.6 96 53.62% Conwell Paul M53 182 Lincroft NJ 125 97 8 50:37.1 8:27 35:19.8 97 62.12% Goss Christopher M32 175 Point Pleasant NJ 126 98 23 50:57.9 8:29 50:56.5 98 53.38% Caroselli Jen F29 78 Toms River NJ 127 28 12 51:02.2 8:29 51:02.2 28 59.29% Zapata Thomas M31 329 Sparta NJ 128 99 24 51:14.2 8:30 51:14.2 99 53.23% Vitti Steve M26 385 Seaside Heights NJ 129 100 17 51:14.4 8:30 51:14.3 100 53.23% Bond Harold M49 360 New Provence NJ 130 101 6 51:15.1 8:30 39:14.2 101 59.67% Bond Kelly F24 361 New Provence NJ 131 29 13 51:17.6 8:30 51:17.6 29 59.15% Roman Bob M62 372 Morganville NJ 132 102 3 51:19.1 8:30 28:22.5 102 67.00% Helle Lee M25 106 Toms River NJ 133 103 18 51:20.0 8:30 51:20.0 103 53.19% Lowey Rich M42 534 134 104 18 51:23.6 8:31 45:14.6 104 56.27% Gann Dean M45 482 Edison NJ 135 105 7 51:25.0 8:31 42:44.9 105 57.64% Aklonis J. Raymond M59 12 Lamberville NJ 136 106 5 51:30.5 8:31 31:02.7 106 65.05% Vannorman Kathleen F34 342 Brick NJ 137 30 5 51:39.9 8:32 50:42.9 30 59.46% Vogel Tom M38 268 Point Pleasant NJ 138 107 19 51:42.9 8:32 48:55.3 107 54.37% Santoro Joey M51 403 Hazlet NJ 139 108 9 51:50.5 8:33 38:04.4 108 60.38% 455 140 109 51:51.1 8:33 51:51.0 109 52.94% Griffin Sunny F32 528 141 31 6 51:52.2 8:33 51:32.1 31 59.03% Kretz Marybeth F47 195 Toms River NJ 142 32 4 51:54.5 8:33 39:45.9 32 65.99% Golowski Anthony M46 377 Calofon NJ 143 110 8 51:59.0 8:33 42:25.1 110 57.82% Vidnansky Michael M31 437 144 111 25 52:05.8 8:34 52:05.8 111 52.83% Tracy Brian M43 520 145 112 19 52:19.9 8:35 45:17.2 112 56.25% Mc Kay Bernie M48 394 Morristown NJ 146 113 9 52:34.0 8:36 41:15.2 113 58.48% Bruther Chris M39 278 Manahawkin, NJ 147 114 20 52:41.9 8:37 49:02.1 114 54.30% Torres Sigfredo M47 511 148 115 10 52:45.1 8:37 42:16.6 115 57.90% Nemiroff Lance M35 459 149 116 21 52:45.5 8:37 51:54.7 116 52.92% Lin Jamie F44 430 Montclair NJ 150 33 4 52:48.4 8:37 44:12.6 33 63.18% Baker John M49 378 Dover NJ 151 117 11 52:52.5 8:37 40:41.1 117 58.81% Klein John M25 236 Point Pleasant NJ 152 118 19 52:57.5 8:38 52:57.5 118 52.42% Gantner Jenna F25 219 South Seaside Park NJ 153 34 14 53:06.8 8:39 53:06.8 34 58.20% Sodano Matt M44 26 Jackson NJ 154 119 20 53:25.4 8:40 45:27.0 119 56.16% Holleran Joseph M34 408 155 120 26 53:29.9 8:40 53:02.7 120 52.38% Robinson Amy F29 348 Point Pleasant NJ 156 35 15 53:41.1 8:41 53:41.1 35 57.91% Santay David M51 433 Toms River 157 121 10 53:52.2 8:42 39:51.2 121 59.31% Moore Bradley M50 39 Blairstown NJ 158 122 11 53:54.4 8:42 40:44.3 122 58.78% Tuohy Gerard M34 253 Brooklyn NY 159 123 27 53:58.4 8:43 53:30.9 123 52.16% Kelly Joe M52 453 Parlin NJ 160 124 12 54:16.0 8:44 39:19.9 124 59.61% Weinstein Sherri F38 315 New York NJ 161 36 6 54:37.6 8:45 51:29.1 36 59.05% Disoteo Kristen F25 58 Toms River NJ 162 37 16 54:41.2 8:46 54:41.1 37 57.40% Hill Ken M39 510 163 125 22 54:46.5 8:46 51:02.6 125 53.32% Mazzei Vinny M36 107 Staten Island NY 164 126 23 54:50.3 8:46 53:26.2 126 52.20% Ciser Kim F24 409 Point Pleasant NJ 165 38 17 55:09.2 8:48 55:09.2 38 57.17% King Martine F29 509 Flushing NY 166 39 18 55:15.9 8:48 55:15.8 39 57.12% Parkhurst Janet F38 263 Midland Park NJ 167 40 7 55:18.5 8:49 52:08.9 40 58.70% Catalano Nanci F39 261 Midland Park NJ 168 41 8 55:18.7 8:49 51:24.2 41 59.10% Funka-Lea Gareth M44 345 Cranbury NJ 169 127 21 55:25.0 8:49 47:18.1 127 55.19% Bogert Lori F48 56 Brick NJ 170 42 5 55:28.4 8:49 41:41.1 42 64.75% Grant Colin M29 276 Matawan, NJ 171 128 20 55:32.7 8:50 55:32.6 128 51.25% Lorenzo Jaime F32 273 Chester NY 172 43 7 55:35.5 8:50 55:14.6 43 57.13% Rickes Greg M58 204 Lathan NY 173 129 6 55:35.9 8:50 35:15.9 129 62.16% Migliore Scott M19 339 Edison NJ 174 130 5 55:51.8 8:51 53:13.9 130 52.30% Clabaugh David M31 209 Hoboken NJ 175 131 28 56:00.9 8:52 56:00.9 131 51.04%